Laser Liposculpture
Yes, You Can! Get A Better Body in 3 Simple Steps
Is it possible for you to lose fat permanently without diet, exercise or major surgery?
Yes, you can lose that fat at Body Envi with Laser liposculpture. Many areas of our body are genetically predisposed to store fat, including our waist, hips, thighs and under our arms and chin. This frustrating fat is difficult to reduce or eliminate through diet and exercise. That’s why thousands of people have turned to Laser Liposculpture at Body Envi to permanently remove this excess fat and reshape their bodies to almost instantly create a slimmer, sleeker appearance – our results are amazing!
Similar to liposuction, Laser Liposculpture permanently removes fat from your body. But with Laser Liposculpture you’ll enjoy
- Better Results. The FDA-approved laser precisely targets and eliminates unwanted fat, with minimal bruising and swelling.
- Faster Recovery. The procedure takes only about an hour per area and most patients are back to work the very next day.
- Safer Procedure. The procedure requires only local anesthesia, so you’re awake the entire time, eliminating the risks of major surgery and general anesthesia.
A Body to Envi in 3 Steps
- Step One: Your Free Consultation – During your free consultation, you will meet with your physician who will discuss your body shaping goals, determine if you are a good candidate for Laser Liposculpture, review your possible individual result, thoroughly detail the procedure and answer any questions you may have. We want you to be confident you have chosen the right procedure and the right team to get you the best results.
- Step Two: Your Procedure – Laser liposculpture is more advanced than traditional liposuction. While both procedures target areas prone to store fat, including belly fat, love handles, thighs, muffin tops, back rolls, chins and under the arms, Laser liposculpture has many advantages. During the procedure, a small cannula the size of a pen tip is inserted through the skin to the layer of fat to be removed. The FDA-approved laser literally melts the fat, which is then permanently removed from your body.
The incision is so small, it naturally heals on its own with a small band-aid or single stitch. As with any medical procedure, you may experience some level of discomfort during the procedure and can expect some very mild bruising and swelling.
- Step Three: Your Result – Immediately after your procedure you will enjoy a noticeable decrease in fat and inches in the targeted areas. As the swelling disappears in the weeks following your procedure, your results get better and better. We are confident that you’ll be one of the 95% of our patients who recommend Body Envi to a friend