Despite watching your diet, you most likely have picked up a few pounds and inches over the holidays. But it’s just not about the holidays. You have a busy schedule. Life is going fast. You have no time for yourself. You have let things slip over the years and now there are new bulges in places where there shouldn’t be. What should you do now?

Don’t put it off any longer. Start a healthy nutrition plan, incorporate routine exercising, and call Body Envi. We are here to help you with those unwanted fat pockets and bulges of stubborn fat. Our minimally invasive procedure, laser liposuction, can be your answer to help you get back that beautifully fit body. The procedure is safe, effective, and the results are permanent. There is no general or IV anesthesia. You are awake and talking the entire procedure (if you want to talk.) The laser melts the fat, tighten the skin, and stimulate collagen production. The fat is then removed from the body. There is no magic, just pure science. The fat removed can be seen and measured. Once removed, the fat does not return to the same area when weight and nutrition are maintained.
Laser liposuction is not only the best, but should be THE ONLY PROCEDURE nowadays to target excess fat pockets. If you have considered trying something to get rid of that unwanted fat. Why not try something that is quick, safe, effective and permanent.
Don’t miss out. Get slimmer today! Call us and let our expert staff get you to the body you have always envied.
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